52 Peaks Challenge2023-12-18T18:09:05+10:00
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Join over 4,200 people Who Have participated in the 52 Peaks Challenge

Together we’ve hiked and climbed all of the best peaks and trails in South East Queensland and beyond, recording thousands of summits and hundreds of multi-peak awards. We built a kind, positive and supportive community that challenged and supported each other, formed groups and built friendships for life.

The premise is simple. Climb 52 peaks in a year. Each time you claim a peak you do a ‘summit salute’ and post the photo. Update your progress in the ‘Peaker’s Portal’ and at the end of each month we celebrate our wins.

The ‘52 Peaks Challenge’ is for nature lovers across Australia and New Zealand who want to find friendship and fun in the mountains and love a good personal challenge.

Read more about how it all started…

Extreme Sports Bike
Extreme Sports Mountain Climbing
get mentally prepared

Choose your challenge

You don’t have to be a pro athlete or an adrenaline junky to join the challenge. There are 4 stages to aim for and you can choose from hundreds of mountain peaks and trails in your region. Once you finish one stage, you can choose to stop there or move onto the next stage. It’s entirely up to you!

up your game and claim award badges

Multi-peak Awards

We all like a pat on the back every now and then. So for the high achievers amongst us, we’ve created a number of very special awards! But remember. Don’t be a hero and take unnecessary risks OK? It’s just for fun!

Bronze Awards

Totally doable. Just find to, three or four peaks close to each other and GO FOR IT!

Silver Awards

OK this is going to take some planning and a very early start. Prepare for a BIG day out.

Gold Awards

WOW.. Only for the hardcore peak baggers. Is it even possible? There’s 24 hours in a day right?

Platinum Awards

Some people say this is the realm of SuperHeroes on beast mode. Have you got what it takes?

Let’s get started…

Register Now!

Register for a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP and enjoy all the special benefits of a paid membership. Or go ALL IN with the PREMIUM PLUS MEMBERSHIP and you’ll also get your Official 52 Peaks Challenge T-Shirt so you can peak with pride on every summit!


$57once only
  • Make new friends & create memories for life
  • Explore new mountains safely with your tribe
  • Increase strength, fitness and competence
  • Download personal scoreboard templates to keep track of your progress
  • Access DETAILED maps and mountain stats
  • Get links to gpx maps for easier navigation so you don’t get lost
  • Upload your peaks to the official scoreboard database
  • Add peak reviews and ratings to help other Peakers
  • Request new peaks to be added to the list
  • Get mentioned in the monthly round-up videos
  • Get special offers and discounts from our sponsors to save you money
  • Official ’52 Peaks Challenge’ Member T-shirt


$79once only
  • Make new friends & create memories for life
  • Explore new mountains safely with your tribe
  • Increase strength, fitness and competence
  • Download personal scoreboard templates to keep track of your progress
  • Access DETAILED maps and mountain stats
  • Get links to gpx maps for easier navigation so you don’t get lost
  • Upload your peaks to the official scoreboard database
  • Add peak reviews and ratings to help other Peakers
  • Request new peaks to be added to the list
  • Get mentioned in the monthly round-up videos
  • Get special offers and discounts from our sponsors to save you money
  • Official ’52 Peaks Challenge’ Member T-shirt
What does the Challenge mean to you?

What they said

Over 4,200 people have participated in the 52 Peaks Challenge. Here are some of their stories..

got questions?

We Have Answers

If you have a valid question that we have not already covered below, please send us a message and we’ll be sure to add it to the list.

There’s no way I can climb 52 peaks in a year. Is this challenge for me?2022-11-13T15:58:01+10:00

You don’t have to be a pro athlete or an adrenaline junky to join the challenge. There are 4 stages to aim for and you can choose from hundreds of mountain peaks and trails in your region. I should warn you though, climbing mountains can become highly addictive. You might achieve a LOT more than you think!

Surely, it’s free to climb mountains! Why does it cost money to join the Challenge?2022-11-13T15:58:17+10:00

Climbing mountains is totally free! The 52 Peaks Challenge membership fee helps us cover the cost of creating and managing this incredible challenge for our community. This includes the creation and management of the website, the database, hosting costs, social media scheduling software, administration and events management, plus the countless hours we put in to building a kind, positive and supportive community through social media interactions and moderation.

What am I actually paying for?2023-01-03T15:13:28+10:00

Paid Membership gives you access to premium web-based content and functionality in the Member’s Areas. Basic Membership includes access to basic maps, mountain stats, and templates so you can plan and keep a tally of your peaks. Premium and Premium Plus members receive additional benefits including the use of exclusive online services including detailed mountain hike stats and maps plus the official scoreboard database and the ability to contribute peak reviews and ratings to the database. They also get mentioned in the monthly round-up videos and receive special offers and discounts from our sponsors plus event and scoreboard updates directly via email. Premium Plus members get all of this plus a ‘52 Peaks Official Member’ T-shirt delivered anywhere in Australia or New Zealand.

My partner and I always hike together. Do we need to buy two entries?2022-11-13T15:59:47+10:00

We have no problem with a shared membership. Every dollar counts right? Your registration name could be something like ‘The Smith Family’ or ‘John and Jane Smith’. Just make sure to add an extra T-Shirt to your order so there’s nothing to fight over when your order arrives!

What if my Challenge T-shirt doesn’t fit?2022-11-13T16:00:02+10:00

Please ensure you order the right size shirts at the start of the challenge. We cannot take returns or offer refunds. However, you can purchase additional T-shirts from our online store at very reasonable prices.

How can I buy another shirt?2022-11-13T16:00:18+10:00

Click the ‘Merch’ link at the top of the page to visit our online store. Here you will find a number of different styles, colours and sizes, plus other fun stuff like stickers, hats and caps

What if I decide to drop out. Can I get a refund?2022-11-13T16:00:32+10:00

All fees and associated costs (including optional product purchases, use of online services, and donations), paid in registration for this 52 Peaks Challenge are not refundable for any reason.

I don’t have anyone to climb with. How do I make new friends?2022-11-13T16:00:45+10:00

That’s super easy! Join the 52 Peaks Challenge Facebook Group and click on the Events section. Here you will see other participants creating events that you can join. This is without doubt, the BEST way to find your tribe. You can also create your own events as often as you like.

I’m not an experienced or confident climber. Is this going to be too difficult for me?2022-11-13T16:00:59+10:00

There are hundreds of mountains in the official peaks list to choose from ranging from moderate to difficult. The best approach is to start small and build your skills and fitness as you go. You’ll be surprised how quickly your confidence and ability will grow. And remember, there are plenty of others in your community that would be happy to assist or guide you along the way.

What if I get injured. Who can I blame?2022-11-13T16:01:14+10:00

Mountains are usually considered hostile environments that might include the risk of minor, serious, or catastrophic injury and death. Participation in the 52 Peaks Challenge is a hazardous activity presenting a physical and mental challenge to participants. You do so at your own risk and are 100% responsible for your own actions at all times. If you are the type of person that would look for someone to blame if you get hurt, then this challenge is not for you. All participants MUST sign a participant waiver before participating in the 52 Peaks Challenge, and by doing so, assume all risks, waive liability and indemnify the organising parties against any claims.

What do I get if I complete the challenge?2022-11-13T16:01:27+10:00

There are no official prizes for participating or completing the 52 Peaks Challenge, only the satisfaction that you have had the most incredible year, and have made friendships and memories for life. However, if you’d like to wear a badge of honour and strut your stuff, you can purchase an official ‘Finisher’ T-shirt from our online store.

Who can I talk to if I have another question?2022-11-13T16:03:16+10:00

For casual comments and conversations, the best way to communicate with us is via our social media channels. Formal requests can be submitted via the contact form on our contact page  or via direct email to [email protected]

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