Essential reading for all participants

Challenge Guidelines

The 52 Peaks Challenge is just for fun. There are no hard rules that you need to abide by. Only some basic guidelines for your safety and ongoing participation in the challenge.

We recommend that you read these guidelines fully so you can make an informed decision about whether this is appropriate for you. Take into consideration your fitness levels, hiking experience, availability and personal commitment, and ALWAYS be safe..

PLEASE NOTE: 52 Peaks Challenge participants are required to register their details, and in doing so they must agree to the participant waiver.

Extreme Sports Bike
a quick overview

How it all started

Hello everyone!

We are Paul and Annica. We spend most of our free time hiking or climbing the incredible mountain ranges around South East Queensland.

In December 2021 we created the 22 Peaks Challenge with the hope of finding ten new friends that share our love for adventure and personal challenge. The premise was simple. Climb 22 peaks in 2022. Each time you claim a peak you do a ‘summit salute’ and post the photo. We then update the scoreboard at the end of each month and celebrate our wins.

The challenge took off and attracted over 2,100 members to the Facebook group in the first 3 months! By November 2022 we had over 3,100 members. The positive impact this challenge has created for people is incredible, and so we decided to expand the challenge to the whole of Australia and New Zealand and rename it the ’52 Peaks Challenge’

We look forward to meeting more adventure seekers every year as we climb, scramble and summit the most spectacular peaks in Australia and New Zealand.

Welcome to the Challenge

Paul & Annica

a quick overview

How it all started

Hello everyone!

We are Paul and Annica. We spend most of our free time hiking or climbing the incredible mountain ranges around South East Queensland. 

In December 2021 we created the 22 Peaks Challenge with the hope of finding ten new friends that share our love for adventure and personal challenge. The premise was simple. Climb 22 peaks in 2022. Each time you claim a peak you do a ‘summit salute’ and post the photo. We then update the scoreboard at the end of each month and celebrate our wins.

The challenge took off and attracted over 2,100 members to the Facebook group in the first 3 months! By November 2021 we had over 3,100 members. The positive impact this challenge has created for people is incredible, and so we decided to expand the challenge to the whole of Australia and New Zealand

We look forward to meeting more adventure seekers next year as we climb, scramble and summit the most spectacular peaks in the region.

Welcome to the Challenge

Paul & Annica

sound like you know stuff

Terms and Definitions

There are some specific words used throughout our website and social media channels that may need some explaining. Here is a list of terms and definitions used in the 52 Peaks Challenge.

Peak Performer

A Peak performer is a registered PREMIUM member of the 52 Peaks Challenge. They actively participate and are 100% committed to summiting multiple peaks to complete their personal 52 Peaks Challenge. They also upload their peaks to the Peak Performers Scoreboard.

Summit Salute

To celebrate your summit, put your down-facing palm just above your eyes and take a selfie. Then post your summit salute photo in the Facebook group page to claim your peak. Remember to mention the name of the peak, and include the hashtag #summitsalute.

Peak of the Week

Annica (Founder) chooses her favourite summit salute or Peaker pic from the past week and posts the winning image in our Facebook group and Instagram account. Get creative, artistic or just plain silly and see if you can win your moment in the spotlight!

Peak Bagging

This is when you are on a mission to summit multiple peaks in a day. Not just for bragging rights, but also for a little extra challenge. There’s little time for breaks and enjoying the view. Just bag as many peaks as you can and claim your multi-peak awards.


This is a peak that is on your list, but you have already climbed it once. Sometimes a peak is SO good that you simply MUST go again (or take another Peaker now that you know the way). But you can only add each official peak once in the Peak Performer’s scoreboard.

Multi-Peak Awards

There are a total of nine bronze, silver and gold Multi-Peak Awards that you can claim for peak bagging no matter what level of ability and determination. Re-peaks can be included in multi-peak awards. All peaks must be completed in a single day to count.

Sneaky Peaks

This is when you climb a peak that isn’t on your list but you did it anyway just for the extra workout. Or you decided to just do one solo without telling any of your friends!

Peaker’s Progress Board

Premium Members of the 52 Peaks Challenge can upload their achievements directly into the Peaker’s Progress Board. Updates will be presented in the monthly round-up video. There are no winners’ prizes. It’s just a great way to keep us all motivated and active throughout the challenge.

Summit to Talk About

Paul Ferry (Founder) will post a monthly round-up video on the website and Facebook group page to acknowledge the Peak Performers and their last month’s achievements and awards.

get mentally prepared

Choose your challenge

You don’t have to be a pro athlete or an adrenaline junky to join the challenge. There are 4 stages to aim for and you can choose from hundreds of mountain peaks and trails in your region. Once you finish one stage, you can choose to stop there or move onto the next stage. It’s entirely up to you!

Find the challenge that suits you best. But be warned… it’s HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!

celebrate the wins

Stage Completion Badges

No matter how many stages you are aiming to complete, you should celebrate your wins along the way. It’s good for motivation and who doesn’t love a pat on the back eh? Once you complete a stage let us know by tagging us in your Summit Salute photo post in our Facebook Group and we’ll post your stage completion badge.

a beginners guide to

Peak Planning

Careful planning is essential to complete the 52 Peaks Challenge in a safe and effective way. Serious consideration should be given to the difficulty, distance and time taken to complete each peak summit.

We have thoroughly researched what we consider to be the best peaks in Australia and New Zealand and have compiled detailed lists and maps to assist you in planning and creating your very own personal 52 Peaks Challenge. Feel free to use any of our suggestions, or add as many other peaks as you like to create something unique just for you.

Research Your Route

1st Challenge: Plan your Peaks

Before attempting any of the hikes and peaks in this challenge, it is essential to do your own research and carefully assess the suitability of each hike for your own level of personal fitness and expertise.

To make it easier to visualise the locations of all the peaks, you will have access to an interactive Google Map to give the general locations of all of the official recommended peaks in the 52 Peaks Challenge.

It’s essential to know the basics like the total distance, elevation, potential duration, difficulty level, and any information from previous hikers that may help to make an informed decision about your route.

PREMIUM members get access to detailed maps and mountain stats with all the information needed to plan the best routes and make the most of every hike.

Download Offline Maps

It’s No Fun If You Get Lost!

There are numerous websites and apps available with trail maps, hike statistics, reviews and general advice. The one we use and recommend is called STRAVA and is available to download at You can also download the STRAVA app on Google Play or the App Store. We believe it is the best and easiest service to use, plus everything is available in 3D which makes it SO much easier to visualise your route.

You can create an account and use the app for free however, I highly recommend upgrading to STRAVA’s Paid version to access offline 3D and topo maps, upload and download GPX map files, and discover all of the 52 Peaks routes and destinations in one place. You can try the app for free for the first 30 days, and an annual plan is $99.99 for the full year

NOTE: The 52 Peaks Challenge organisers receive no commissions for referrals to STRAVA.

meet new people. find your tribe

Group Summit Events

There are plenty of other Peak Performers that might like to join you in your next summit. It’s also a great opportunity to make some new friends along the way and find your tribe and create your peak family.

Feel free to create a post or an event in the ’52 Peaks Challenge Facebook group page to let others know what day and time you are planning to tick another peak off your list. This is the BEST way to find others to hike with and find a guide that can show you the way on some of the more difficult routes. Who knows.. you might even arrange to car-pool with friends once you get to know each other a little better.

Find or post group summit event opportunities in the events section of our Facebook group.

meet new people. find your tribe

Group Summit Events

There are plenty of other Peak Performers that might like to join you in your next summit. It’s also a great opportunity to make some new friends along the way and find your tribe and create your peak family.

Feel free to create a post or an event in the ’52 Peaks Challenge Facebook group page to let others know what day and time you are planning to tick another peak off your list. This is the BEST way to find others to hike with and find a guide that can show you the way on some of the more difficult routes. Who knows.. you might even arrange to car-pool with friends once you get to know each other a little better.

Find or post group summit event opportunities in the events section of our Facebook group.

up your game and claim award badges

Multi-peak Awards

We all like a pat on the back every now and then. So for the high achievers amongst us, we’ve created a number of very special awards! But remember. Don’t be a hero and take unnecessary risks OK? It’s just for fun!

Bronze Awards

Totally doable. Just find two, three or four peaks close to each other and GO FOR IT!

Twin peaks in one day? No problem mate. How about three peaks in one day though? That takes a bit more effort.. The Tri Hard award will be bestowed upon any Peak Performers that summit three peaks in one day and can prove it! OK, what about four? Also known as the You’ve Quad to be kidding me award.. The Oh My Quad award is for Peak Performers with admirable stamina and strength who summit four peaks in one day. Choose your peaks carefully, this is harder than you think.

Silver Awards

OK this is going to take some planning and a very early start. Prepare for a BIG day out.

Seriously? What time did you get out of bed? High Five to our super fit Peak Performers who are on a mission. It may involve a sunrise and a sunset and a whole day of hiking. Don’t make any plans for the following day. You’re gonna need a rest! What the Hex? How is this even possible? This award is for the Peakiest of Performers with massive stamina and the drive and determination to hit six peaks in one day. Still got one more in you? Take the Stairway to Seven and claim God-like status!

Gold Awards

WOW.. Only for the hardcore peak baggers. Is it even possible? There’s 24 hours in a day right?

OK, we’re now entering into the ‘hardcore zone’. Smash out eight peaks in one day and you’ll understand why this is called the I Need Octogen award. If three is a magic number, then three multiplied by three is pure wizardry. The Triple Tri Hard is almost unbelievable and will have people wondering how the hell you did it. And then there’s the ultimate achievement.. the Double Figures award. Only for the toughest Peaker’s in Peakdom. Completed this one and you deserve a medal!

Platinum Awards

Some people say this is the realm of SuperHeroes on beast mode. Can you do it? Have you got what it takes?

Ready to wear your undies on the outside, don your cape and channel your inner superhero? The Legs Eleven Award is for those with the endurance of legendary heroes who can tackle eleven peaks in a day. If you’re still alive then try to make it to twelve peaks in one day and claim the What Dozen Kill Ya Award. This is where true champions are born. And if you can conquer 52 peaks in a year and complete the 52 Peaks Challenge, you can claim your ‘Official Peakoholic‘ trophy to prove you’re the ultimate champion!

celebrate your wins

Keeping Score

After all that hard work it’s good to get the acknowledgement you deserve.

Post your Summit Salutes in the 52 Peaks Challenge Facebook Group Page, and remember to type the hashtag #summitsalute so it’s easier for us to find and select the ‘Peak of the Week’ photo.

PREMIUM members can submit all of their completed peaks directly into the ‘Peak Claimer Database App’. The month’s highlights will be presented in the ‘Summit To Talk About’ round up at the end of each month.

You can also keep track of your completed peaks using the templates provided in the Peaker’s Portal Members Area of the website.

be careful out there

Safety First

For your personal safety, peace of mind and general wellbeing please make note of these important considerations.

  • Some trails are overgrown and have limited or no signposts. You’ll need a map and compass, GPS or offline maps and you need to know how to use them.

  • Don’t hike in the wet weather or when storms are predicted or after a lot of heavy rain. The mountains can be unstable at times.

  • Always make sure someone knows where you’re going and what time you expect to be back. If you go missing someone will need to know where to start looking for you.
  • Make sure you know how long a hike is likely to take and leave early enough that you can make it back before dark. It’s REALLY hard to navigate in the dark and you could easily become lost.
  • Always bring a first aid kit and be aware of plants that cut, scratch or sting, and creatures that bite.

  • What happens if you take a tumble? It’s really easy to turn your ankle on uneven ground. Make sure you give yourself enough time to get back to the start if you have to take it easy or hobble back down the mountain.
  • Stay away from cliff edges and steep drops. Even though that photo would look awesome on social media, it’s not worth losing a life. You could end up being famous for all the wrong reasons :-0

  • Don’t run your phone battery any more than you have to. If you get caught out with an injury you may need to make an emergency call or use your phone’s torchlight to find your way back. Use your phone sparingly. It could save your life.
what you’ll need..

Essential Gear

Please make sure you are well equipped for any hike and unexpected circumstance. It’s better to be safe than sorry. The following list of essential gear is a must for all hikes and summits;

  • Sturdy and grippy hiking shoes
  • Long pants/shirt for bush bashing
  • Jumper in case you get cold at the top
  • Hat and sunscreen
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Plenty of fresh water
  • Camera
  • Head torch

  • First aid kit (including snake bite kit) just in case
  • Hiking buddies
  • Navigational skills and offline maps of the area

let’s be clear about everything

Legal Disclaimer

This challenge has been created just for fun but it doesn’t come without personal risk. By participating in the 52 Peaks Challenge you are agreeing to the following;

  • The 52 Peaks Challenge is just for fun. All hiking and climbing events are organised and attended by willing participants only.

  • The 52 Peaks Challenge Facebook Group Admins, are not professional hikers or guides and do not offer or propose to lead any hikes as paid professionals.

  • Members participate in the 52 Peaks Challenge entirely at their own risk and are responsible for their own personal safety, and make all of their own decisions.

  • Members are required to do their own research regarding appropriate routes and are responsible for their own personal safety precautions.

  • Paid memberships are required for access to restricted web-based content including maps, spreadsheets and scoreboard database.

  • Membership payments are paid to Marketing Foundations Pty Ltd to create, design and manage the administration, marketing, advertising, social media and merchandising only.

  • By registering for a paid membership, members acknowledge that they have read the Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnification Agreement and fully understand its terms.

  • All members must be 18 years or over and understand that they (and/or their participating minor child/ward) are giving up substantial rights, including their right to sue.
  • Members further acknowledge that they (and/or their participating minor child/ward) are signing the agreement freely and voluntarily, and intend their signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability due to ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE of MARKETING FOUNDATIONS (and other Released Parties) or the INHERENT RISKS of the activity, to the greatest extent allowed by the laws in force of the Commonwealth of Australia or of any State or Territory of the Commonwealth of Australia or New Zealand in which the 52 PEAKS CHALLENGE is held.
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